Alpha offers an environment that creates a space for honest, open, and judgment-free conversations about life’s biggest questions. Everyone is welcome, and no questions are off-limits. Alpha at Radiant Church is a 10-week series of sessions exploring faith. Each Alpha experience is designed to encourage conversation and answer common questions.

Alpha topics include:

  • Is there more to life than this?
  • Who is Jesus?
  • Why did Jesus die?
  • Why and how do I pray?
  • Who is the Holy Spirit, and what does he do?

Each session will begin with dinner, and kids ministry is available. Alpha creates an incredible opportunity for you to invite your friends to explore their faith in a safe environment! It’s a great way to strengthen your trust in God and ask the questions you’ve always wanted to ask.

Alpha begins Wednesday, January 29 at 6 PM at the Manchester Campus

Follow this link to register for Alpha today!

Register here!